I own shoreland property.
You can make a difference. Learn about Healthy Lakes & Rivers best practices for your property and how to find help.

I'm a Partner Organization.
If you belong to a lake or river organization, municipality, or tribal government, you can help make Healthy Lakes & Rivers together in your community!
Let’s make Healthy Lakes & Rivers together!
Improve Your Shoreland Property
Healthy Lakes & Rivers includes 5 simple and inexpensive best practices that improve habitat and water quality on your shoreland property. Check out the best practices, supporting technical guidance, and other information to install a project on your own. Alternatively, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has competitive Healthy Lakes & Rivers grants for eligible applicants like local units of government, qualified lake or river organizations, and others who can apply for funding on behalf of shoreland property owners.
How healthy is my lake or river property? I want to Score My Shore to find out!